Phil Dawson of the Dexter Gideon Camp was at
Sweet Prospect General Baptist Church explaining how
the International Gideons spread God's Word around the world.
He shared testimonies of serverl people who had become Christians after receiving their copy of God's word. Phil talked about work by Gideons all over the world, but he also covered the efforts being make right here in Stoddard County.
The Gideons place bibles in all the local hotels, nursing homes, medical clinics and first responder offices. He reported that over 200 bibles were handed out in the Stoddard County jail resulting in many decisions for Christ. Additionally, Gideons have handed out almost 300 bibles at the monthly Smiles of Hope free dental clinic at the Lighthouse Church on Hwy. 25.

Mr. Dawson said, "It takes $1.25 to print a New Testament and change a life, or $5.00 to print a hotel Bible." He closed by asking the members to consider making a donation to help purchase bibles.
As Mr. Dawson was leaving a member of the congregation stood and shared a personal testimony. He recounted how five years earlier he was in the Stoddard County jail when the Gideons came by singing praise songs, praying with prisoners and handing out bibles. He said he rededicated his life to Christ that night and was so thankful for that Bible and what the Gideons did for him.
Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through sharing personally and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While they are known worldwide for their work with hotels, they predominantly share Scriptures in schools and colleges, prisons and jails, hospitals, and medical offices. To date, they have placed 1.9 billion Scriptures and are on their way to a 2 billion goal.